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Guests Wishlist

For all visitors to the bogo workshop, we offer the “Guest Wishlist” feature. This feature allows you to add products to your Guest Wishlist and keep them visible until you clear your browser cache, even if you return to the workshop at a later time. Once you register and log in, all items from your Guest Wishlist will be transferred to your Regular Wishlist, which you can access anytime you log in.

Adding items to Guests Wishlist:

On the Product Page you will see next to Add to cart selection small black heart icon. Clicking on it you add product to “Guests Wishlist” After adding icon is transformed and you can access to wishlist clicking on “checked icon”.

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Guests Wishlist Access:

There are three ways to access Guests Wishlist:

    1. You can open it in Modal window clicking on Red hart icon located in left top area.

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    1. You can open clicking on “Product added” icon.

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    1. You can access from menu.

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