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Business Policy:

At our company, we take great pride in producing all of our products ourselves, rather than simply reselling them. Our wooden products are crafted by hand, with an emphasis on quality materials and meticulous finishing touches.

One of the key advantages of working with us is that the design of every product is not set in stone. When you make a purchase, you have the opportunity to customize, redesign, and adapt the product to suit your specific needs. We’ll even reach out to you after your purchase to discuss any customizations you might be interested in.

If you don’t see the product you’re looking for on our store, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re happy to consult with you about your ideas and explore the possibilities of designing, prototyping, and producing a product that meets your needs.

Please note, however, that we are unable to produce metal parts or products.

We’re passionate about delivering high-quality, customizable products that are built to last

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Bass guitar Thumb Rest and Bass Ramps

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Video is courtesy of Obrad Lacarac, man which idea and plans result in production of Sandberg Califoria TM4 thumb rest.

Check his Youtube chanel and subscribe.

Thumb rest Sandberg California TM4

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