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New products and site update

New Thumb Rests for Fender Aerodyne Bass

The bogo Workshop has been busy with website and store updates, new product introductions, and custom orders. They're launching 11 new models of Thumb rests for Fender Aerodyne Bass, catering to bass players with shorter fingers. The models will differ in the distance between the thumb rest and the strings. The workshop will also update all their existing models and introduce left-hand versions.

During the previous period, the bogo Workshop was extremely busy with various tasks. This included significant updates to both the website and physical store, as well as the introduction of new products and attracting new customers. The workshop received numerous orders requiring modifications and customization.

In the upcoming week, we will be launching 11 new models of Thumb rests specifically designed for the Fender Aerodyne Bass. This release is in response to the need for accommodating bass players with shorter fingers, where even a difference of 3 or 6mm can make a significant impact.

Each Thumb rest model will consist of three sub-models, differing in the distance between the thumb rest and the strings.

  1. Sub-model 1 will have a normal distance,
  2. sub-model 2 will be 3mm lower, and
  3. sub-model 3 will be 6mm lower.

In addition to the Thumb rests and Bass ramps, we will be applying this new concept to update all our existing models. Furthermore, we will be introducing left-hand versions for both the existing and new products.

We have also undertaken a major update of our website and store, investing significant effort and time. Many customers and visitors have reported issues with missing or malfunctioning functions and page views across different devices. Consequently, we are diligently working to resolve these problems. The updated bogo Workshop will be back online soon.

Due to the overwhelming number of orders and our limited production capabilities, we may need to temporarily halt the acceptance of new orders until we fulfill all existing orders or implement a waiting list system.

Stay tuned to bogo Workshop for the latest updates and announcements as we continue to bring innovative and customized products to our valued customers.

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